Thursday 27 September 2012


In this game due to my blunders I am a Rook up but my opponent has two extra pieces

As we go into the late middle game the question becomes how to win

Sunday 10 June 2012


Sometimes a lot of people like to avoid the sicillian as white ,as I did for a long time but black doesn't always play so well with it and you don't always have to learn book loads of theory to be able to give it a good go....

In this opening black has responded with a common sicilian and played e5 to drive the white knight from its central posting,a common way to complicate play is as follows.
White can play the seemingly odd looking move b5 it looks as though the white knight can be easily kicked from there however black has to be careful.If after d6 to prevent (check on d6 bishop takes d6 creating a massive hole on d6 which would be problematic for black.)White can respond

White can bring his other knight to d5 tempting black to take his hanging pawn if black does so Qf3 wins the game,The knight it self is hanging and of course there is the threat of check on the c7 square,which is attacked by both white knights.

This position can occur if instead of coming down to take the loose pawn the black knight takes the white knight on d5 and then after pawn takes the black knight on c6 moves to e7 .
White then reinforces his knight on b5 by c4 and any attempt to kick the knight staioned on b5 with a6 is met by Qa4.
If however black instead atempting to retreat his own knight on c6 simply attacks whites b5 knight we just take his knight on c6 ,then after he responds by taking ours we can just take again on b7 ,blacks bishop will then recapture on b7 and then we play Bxb5* and end up with the position below.


...Nice little Rook combo at the end gives me the win .

Wednesday 25 April 2012

puzzle #2

In the last puzzle the corect move would've been the sharp Qf3 forcing the a almost inevitable loss of the white rook.

In the next puzzle there is a underlying theme that of pins and double attack or threats as well as the problematic back line threats.
I plan in later posts to display quite a few examples of this tactical motif as repetition makes for good learning as I am finding out,not a easy thing to do in practice however.

In the puzzle above white to play demonstrates a motif in a very basic form I will try to expand and add more complex variations of it later white wins from this position.

Sunday 22 April 2012

Puzzle #1

A puzzle that I failed to spot in one of my games started of from this position where I spotted a potential double attack.The knight was previously on g4 and has just taken a pawn on f2 with a double attack on the white rook which was on d1.I was playing black and,but what is the best continuation?