Friday, 10 February 2012


It always surprises me how little used this opening is in the two knights early knight to g5 opening (also wrongly refered to as the the fried liver attack by a lot of people.....

the classic beginning of the early knight g5 attack

Looks familiar doesn't it some people playing black even play h6 on their third move to prevent white from playing this opening which is absurd,when we have this wonderful opening at our disposal.

the game continues

white naturally takes

and now the b5 pawn move this is the position that is known as the ulvestad it looks a very odd move which is why it can trick a lot of unsuspecting people

if white takes the pawn as he often does then we capture the center pawn with our queen threatening the bishop and pawn on g2 it is here that white will often swap off pieces taking the white knight and then castling thinking that all is well being a pawn up and already castled

after white castles we then play bishop to b7 which threatens mate in one.Our other bishop can come across to be aimed at the white kingside later on white will have great difficulty in negotiating the middle game and we have excellent chances.


It pays to go over some important themes

the importance of the dark squared bishop in creating a attacking diagonal against the white king if at all possible,such as in this position

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